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Operational Plan

Elks Lodge #1487


Facility Management

Currently, the facility is managed by the Susanville Elks Lodge House Committee, made up of both the Elks Lodge Trustees and Chair Officers. Facility maintenance is conducted primarily by Elks Lodge members, who facilitate repairs in their respective fields. Facility cleaning and groundkeeping are conducted by volunteers from the membership.


On paid staff, the Susanville Elks Lodge has a treasurer and a secretary. Other positions, such as bar manager, kitchen manager, and events coordinator, are entirely volunteer.


Financial Management

The financial management of the Susanville Elks Lodge is conducted by the lodge treasurer in coordination with the board of trustees. The position of treasurer is voted on annually by the membership. The House Committee and Board of Trustees are responsible for preparing a consolidated annual budget for approval by the membership. The Treasurer is responsible for accounts-payable and receivable and reporting the financial position of the lodge at each business meeting.

Risk Management

The Susanville Elks Lodge is prepared for a number of liabilities by ensuring the lodge building is as required by Grand Lodge Statutes. The local lodge maintains an emergency or restricted account that is accessed only in the case of an emergency. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Susanville Elks Lodge building has been attempting to recover from the devastating impact COVID-19 had on our local community.

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